UNIQUE Group is a professional concrete mixing equipment manufacturers in China.

Sodium Humate is the salt component of humic acid

by:UNIQUE      2020-10-16

Humic acid may also be used as a liquefying agent in concrete and cement. It not only minimizes the concrete material that is depleted, but also enhances its physiological and mechanical attributes. It can also be used as a distinct density management additive in concrete due to its lightweight properties. Because of its hydrophobic attributes, applying sodium humate may lead to infinitesimal water consumption. This translates to either a minimized application and optimized workable feature of the cement or to an improvement in its structural soundness while the amount of concrete mix applied remains the same.

Aside from its potential applications and property-induced benefits, sodium humate also assists in eliminating the surface tension of water. This leads to an optimized use of solid particles in cement. It also results to the utmost fine division and distribution of the cement. Ultimately, the friction between solid materials is lowered, leading to improved flexibility and functionality of concrete. While the compound is proven to be non-reactive to cement, some measures should be carried out before application is done.

So, how are they formed? Humic acid is formed through the process of microbial degradation of dead plant substances including lignin. They are highly relentless against biodegradation. The particular attributes and structure of a given sample varies upon the soil or water source and the individual circumstances of the extraction process. Nonetheless, the average attributes of humic compounds from varied sources, such as soil or coal, are incredibly identical.

Are there any ecological effects people should know about? Organic compound land amendments have been established by farmers to be immensely advantageous to plant and crop development for longer than archived historical accounts. Although, the chemistry and application of the organic compound has been a matter of debate since mankind started their assertions regarding the matter in the 18th century. Currently, land experts carry a more holistic standpoint and at least realize that humus promotes soil fertility via its impact on the water-holding limits of the soil.

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