UNIQUE Group is a professional concrete mixing equipment manufacturers in China.

On October 1, 2010, the DES Air Resources Division

by:UNIQUE      2020-12-05

Who is subject to Env-A 2800?

A non-metallic mineral processing plant is defined as any combination of equipment used to grind or crush any non-metallic mineral, such as stone, sand, gravel, clay, rock, salt and vermiculite.The term includes all equipment used in conjunction with the grinding or crushing equipment to dry, mix, convey, size, or blend the processed material.

Owners or operators of non-metallic mineral processing plants (rock crushers) with the following capacities are subject to all the permitting, testing and emission standards requirements in Env-A 2800:

a) A fixed (stationary) rock crushing plant with a capacity of 25 tons per hour or more

b) A portable rock crusher with a capacity of 150 tons per hour or more.

Owners or operators of other rock crushing plants that fall below these capacities are not subject to the permitting or testing requirements, but they are subject to emission standards as specified in Env-A 2803.01.

What emission limits apply to rock crushing plants?

For rock crushing plants that fall below the capacity thresholds listed above, the visible emissions limit is 20 percent opacity, averaged over a continuous six-minute period.

What is a Permit-by-Notification?

Owners or operators of rock crushing plants are subject to permitting requirements if the facility meets or exceeds the capacity thresholds listed above. Owners or operators may obtain a Permit-by-Notification for Non-Metallic Mineral Processing Plants to meet this requirement. By following the procedures to obtain coverage under the Permit-by-Notification process, owners will be certifying that they will comply with all applicable rules and regulations.

An owner or operator who qualifies for and obtains coverage under the Permit-by-Notification process is not required to obtain a Temporary Permit or a State Permit to Operate pursuant to Env-A 600.

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