UNIQUE Group is a professional concrete mixing equipment manufacturers in China.

Does UNIQUE enjoy high popularity?
At least UNIQUE is known by industry insiders. It's been created for several years. Its promotion began when our business was established. Its exports to overseas nations help expand our global influence. In the future, it might be recognized increasingly by consumers and end users.

UNIQUE GROUP is renowned and influential in crane machine industry. The Asphalt Mixing Plant series has become a hot product of UNIQUE GROUP. UNIQUE concrete mixer machine manufacturer is rigorously fabricated. Its design and detailing have received the same level of rigor and overall scrutiny as the buildings. It is manufactured with cutting-edge machinery based on the latest technology and is in compliance with the industry set norms. This product has a proper SAG factor ratio of near 4, which is much better than the much lesser 2 - 3 ratio of other mattresses. It has an anti-abrasion spraying coat, which improves its long term abrasion performance.

UNIQUE is fully committed to high quality and good service. Contact us!
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